Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bike Trip & Zion NP (Spring 2010) plan

I will be venturing out on a solo mission as a weekend warrior to gain some introspection this spring. I've done many solo trips, and I always come back with a clear focus and renewed determination.

I'm putting together tentative plans for a mountain bike, and hiking trip in the Zion NP area of Southern Utah.

Bike Ride 1:

Bike Ride 2:

Bike Ride 3:

The plan is to ride in the morning and early evenings. I'll ride these trails a few times while I'm in the area. During the day, I'll do the scenic hikes in Zion NP and visit all the 'must see' sights that are easy to access from the road. I've never been to Zion NP, but from what I hear it is quite the place. I'll post pictures to prove the areas I visit.

Following this trip (since the main focus is to bike), I'll be coming back a couple weeks later and backpacking the West Rim in Zion NP. It will be a weekend trip, involving a commercial shuttle unless I'm lucky enough to hitch-hike a ride (or have a friend in the area to give me a lift to the trailhead).

I will post photographs along the way in Blogs to come.

This is only the beginning of the adventures that await me this summer. Others will include more biking, peak-bagging, backpacking, and whatever else I decide to do. This summer will be making up for lost time, and attaining adventure goals I've had for a couple of years. Should be fun!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Skiing, White Rim Trail, Life's challenges, and the unexpected

Okay, yeah I know, it's been a long time since I've posted. A lot of things have happened in the past several months, but only some of them are worth posting.

This winter has been the poorest snowfall year since I moved to Utah 7 winters ago. However, I'm still trying to make a dent in the number of days spent on the hill. I miss the days whereby I was skiing 100+ days a season. However, the cost of the "American Dream" limits the number of days I get to ski. So far this year, it's not been too many but I've made the best of what I've had.

New this year, I thought I would keep a log of the days I ski with the information recorded on my Suunto Wristop Computer (watch). Here is what I've done so far. Keep in mind I have about 5 to 6 more weeks of skiing at the resorts until places close for the winter; and most importantly and the highlight of the season, Snowbird with the Peart family is still ahead. I have the entire week off, and plan on skiing everyday!

I road the White Rim Trail in Canyonlands NP, Utah. It was a blast. Great company, and fun memories. I guess trips really are "once in a lifetime". Not because I can't do this trip again, but the company probably will not be the same given many reasons. Nonetheless, it was a great trip; one I'm happy I was able to participate in.

Someone once said, and as cliche' as it sounds, "The only thing that is certain in life is uncertainty". I have come to understand this more than any other time in my life. I suppose I'm okay with it, but to be honest, I just wish it wasn't this way.
However, I know the uncertainty in my life is what deepens my character as a person. I'm a good man, with tremendous talents, incredible kindness, and remarkable courtesy. Someday, people that once knew me will look back at life and recognize their mistakes.

As baseball players do, I too will stand in the batters box of life and continue to swing at the curveballs that life can throw. I'll go down swinging!

As Tom Petty sings, "It is Time to Move On".