First I bought a new road bike.
My old bike is nice, but this one is super nice and I figured it was an okay gift to myself for tough times of past.
Second, I love riding with my new GPS. Garmin Edge 705 has some fantastic abilities and it's fun to connect to the website and keep track of all the statistics.
Lastly, I want to ride a century ride this summer. One I've considered in the past is the called the U.L.C.E.R. It's a ride around Utah Lake, and it would be fun to do. I've tried to recruite some friends, but at this point, I may go it alone. It is scheduled for August 7th this year.
Other motivators include some good friends that are fun to ride with, developing new friendships surrounded by riding, fitness, & mountain bike racing.The most motivating of them all is: kicking Derick's, Tate's, Mike's, Scott's, Dennis', and the rest of the crews' butt AGAIN while riding up Puke Hill and the entire Wasatch Crest Trail.